基于先进特征识别算法进行精确清洗,帮助您抵御Flood and ICMP Flood等各种DDoS大流量攻击。
将域名解析为我们的高防 IP后,由龙达云-专业的云服务供应商高防IP转发您的真实IP地址,从而隐藏真实IP。 之后,您的网站源IP将不再暴露,攻击者将无法直接攻击您的Web服务器。
SDNS independently schedules domains, and DNS attacks between users do not affect each other; millions of QPS DNS flood protection.
Provides adeep learning defense strategy, which is compatible with rule-based defense strategies and supports custom rules.
Each user and each node enjoy independent IP, risks are isolated from each other, and business is more secure.
The IP in the blacklist means that this IP cannot access the current CDN domain name.
Perfect defense against SYN Flood, ACK Flood, ICMP Flood, UDP Flood, NTP Flood, SSDP Flood, DNS Flood, HTTP Flood, CC attacks.
Access to enjoy daily acceleration and automatic protection when attacked. Provides rich console & API management and control capabilities with multi-dimensional panoramic monitoring data.
高防IP和高防CDN使用相同的底层核心技术。 区别在于:高防IP是单点防御(如果IP被攻击超过防御峰值会被封杀)而高防CDN是多点防御